"Unable to Locate the Application's Database" After Windows Update

This message will occur when Yearli is unable to find the database attached to the SQL Server. This usually results after a Windows update.

Verify SQL Instance Is Installed and Running

  1. Access the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Click on “SQL Server Services” to display a list of the currently running services.
  3. Right click on SQL Server (GREATLANDYD) and select Start.

Changing First, Second, and Subsequent Failure to Restart the Service

  1. Access the Windows Run window by pressing the Windows key and R key on the keyboard.
  2. Type "services.msc" without the quotes in the Open field.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Right click on SQL Server (GREATLANDYD) and choose Properties.
  5. Click on the Recovery tab.
  6. For First, Second, and Subsequent Failure, select Restart the Service.
  7. Click OK to save the changes.
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