This message will occur when Yearli is unable to find the server or the database is not attached to the SQL Server. This could also occur if the SQL server is not running.
Verify the Yearli Server Name in Shortcut Properties
- Go to a Yearli workstation.
- Right click on the workstation icon on the desktop and select Properties.
- Under the Shortcut tab check the Target listing. It should display the following: ""C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Greatland Corporation\Yearli Workstation\20XX\GNWFPlus.exe" server\GREATLAND* where XX is the year of the software.
- The server name must be precisely the same as the computer name on the server (It does not support UNC paths, i.e. \\servername).
- If the server has a static IP, it may be used in place of the server name.
- Verify the server name. If it is incorrect, type the correct server name or IP Address.
- Attempt to open the workstation again.
- If the workstation opens correctly, reinstall all workstations using the correct server name or IP Address.
Disable Windows Firewall on the Server
- Go to the Server computer.
- Access the Windows Run window by pressing the Windows key and R key on the keyboard.
- Type "firewall.cpl" without the quotes in the Open field.
- Click OK.
- Choose Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
- Under Private network settings, choose Turn off Windows Firewall.
- Under Public network settings, choose Turn off Windows Firewall.
Create Windows Firewall Exceptions
See the How to Create a Windows Firewall Exception for Yearli article for steps to do this.
Change the Target Line of the Workstation
- On the server machine open a command prompt and type in "ipconfig" without the quotes.
- Take note of the IPv4 address.
- Go back to the affected workstation and right click on the Yearli Workstation icon.
- Select Properties.
- In the Target line locate the name/IP Address of the server machine. Change to the IP address noted in the previous step followed by a comma and then the dynamic port.
- For steps to find the dynamic port, please see the How to Create a Windows Firewall Exception for Yearli article.
- Click OK to apply the changes and close the Properties window.
Verify the SQL Server Instance Is Running
Go to the Server computer.
Access the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- For steps to do this see the How to Access SQL Server Configuration Manager article.
Click on SQL Server Services to display a list of the currently running services.
Verify that SQL Server (GREATLANDYD) is running.
Right click and select Start if it is not running.
Verify Proper SQL Protocols Are Enabled
- Go to the Server computer.
- Access the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- For steps to do this see the How to Access SQL Server Configuration Manager article.
- Click on SQL Server Network Configuration to display a list of the protocols for each SQL Server.
- Double click on Protocols for GREATLANDYD.
- Verify that Shared Memory is enabled.
- If it is not, right click on Shared Memory and click Enable.
- Verify that Named Pipes is enabled.
- If it is not, right click on Named Pipes and choose Enable.
- Verify that TCP/IP is enabled.
- If it is not, right click on TCP/IP and choose Enable.
- Verify that VIA is disabled.
- If it is not, right click on VIA and choose Disable.
- If any changes were made to any of these protocols, go to the next step. If no changes were made, skip to the next section.
- Click on SQL Server Services.
- Right click on SQL Server (GREATLANDYD) and choose Restart.
Run Database Update Executables
- Run the SQLUtility in the Utilities folder located at C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Greatland Corporation\Yearli\20XX* where XX is the year of the software, for the affected version of Yearli.
- Choose Create / Update database.
- Open the Yearli workstation on the server, or on another machine if a workstation has not been installed on the server machine.
Check for Compressed Files/Folders
- Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Yearli\20XX\Data, where XX is the year of the software.
- The ProgramData folder is a hidden folder. You must show hidden folders in order to access it.
- Right click the .mdf and .ldf files and, for each, choose Properties.
- Click Advanced.
- Ensure "Compress contents to save to disk space" and "Encrypt contents to secure data" are not checked.
- If checked, uncheck.
- Run the SQLUtility in the Utilities folder located at C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Greatland Corporation\Yearli\20XX* where XX is the year of the software.
- Choose Create / Update database.
- Wait for the process to complete and display text in the white box on the left.
- Open Yearli to see if the error persists.
Change First, Second, and Subsequent Failure to Restart the Service
- Access the Windows Run window by pressing the Windows key and R key on the keyboard.
- Type "services.msc" without the quotes in the Open field.
- Click OK.
- Right click on SQL Server (GREATLANDYD) and choose Properties.
- Click on the Recovery tab.
- For First, Second, and Subsequent Failure choose Restart the Service.
- Click OK to save the changes.