Create a Windows Firewall Exception for Yearli Desktop

Create Windows Firewall Exception

  1. Access the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. On the left, expand the SQL Server Network Configuration by clicking the + sign next to it.
  3. Choose Protocols for the correct SQL server instance version.
    • See the bottom of this page for the instances associated with each program version.
  4. Right click on TCP/IP and select Properties.
  5. Choose the IP Addresses tab.
  6. Scroll to the bottom.
  7. Write down the TCP Dynamic Ports number under the IPAll heading.
  8. Close the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  9. Access the Windows Run window by pressing the Windows key and R key on the keyboard.
    • Alternatively, you can use the search function on your taskbar, if enabled.
  10. Type "firewall.cpl" without the quotes in the Open field.
  11. Click OK.
    • If using the search function, hit enter instead of clicking OK.
  12. Click Advanced settings.
  13. Click Inbound Rules.
  14. Click New Rule.
  15. Choose Port.
  16. Click Next.
  17. Choose TCP and Specific local ports.
  18. In the field next to Specific local ports, enter the TCP Dynamic Ports number from step 7.
  19. Click Next.
  20. Choose Allow the connection.
  21. Click Next.
  22. Check Domain, Private, and Public.
  23. Click Next.
  24. Name the rule and add a description if you would like.
    • We recommend using a descriptive name to easily find the rule in the future if needed.
      • "Yearli Desktop 20XX Exception", where XX is the software year, is what Yearli Support recommends.
  25. Click Finish.

*The SQL Server instance will differ depending on the version of the program. Please see the Important Program Directories and File Locations article for more information.

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