Create Windows Firewall Exception
- Access the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- For steps to do this see the How to Access SQL Server Configuration Manager article.
- On the left, expand the SQL Server Network Configuration by clicking the + sign next to it.
- Choose Protocols for the correct SQL server instance version.
- See the bottom of this page for the instances associated with each program version.
- Right click on TCP/IP and select Properties.
- Choose the IP Addresses tab.
- Scroll to the bottom.
- Write down the TCP Dynamic Ports number under the IPAll heading.
- Close the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- Access the Windows Run window by pressing the Windows key and R key on the keyboard.
- Alternatively, you can use the search function on your taskbar, if enabled.
- Type "firewall.cpl" without the quotes in the Open field.
- Click OK.
- If using the search function, hit enter instead of clicking OK.
- Click Advanced settings.
- Click Inbound Rules.
- Click New Rule.
- Choose Port.
- Click Next.
- Choose TCP and Specific local ports.
- In the field next to Specific local ports, enter the TCP Dynamic Ports number from step 7.
- Click Next.
- Choose Allow the connection.
- Click Next.
- Check Domain, Private, and Public.
- Click Next.
- Name the rule and add a description if you would like.
- We recommend using a descriptive name to easily find the rule in the future if needed.
- "Yearli Desktop 20XX Exception", where XX is the software year, is what Yearli Support recommends.
- We recommend using a descriptive name to easily find the rule in the future if needed.
- Click Finish.
*The SQL Server instance will differ depending on the version of the program. Please see the Important Program Directories and File Locations article for more information.