E-File Center Troubleshooting

Payers Not Appearing in the Select Payer List When E-Filing

Verify the Payer has Unfiled Forms

  1. Click the Payer List button.
  2. Double click the payer's name.
  3. Verify that the required recipients have forms entered in the Form List.
    • If they do not, the forms will need to be added before you are able to e-file.
  4. If any of the forms have "(E-filed)" after the form name, these forms will not be available for filing again.
  5. If the forms are listed in the Recipient List, and they are not marked as e-filed, continue to the next section.

Verify the Corrected Checkbox Is not Checked

If you are filing W-2 forms, skip to the next section, as this will not apply.

  1. Click the Payer List button.
  2. Double click the payer's name.
  3. Choose a recipient that has a form created.
  4. Double click on the form in the Form List.
  5. Click the Return Information tab.
  6. Verify that the Corrected checkbox is not checked.
    • If it is checked, uncheck the box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for each 1099 form you are attempting to file.
  9. Attempt to e-file the forms again.
    • If the payer is still not appearing in the Select Payer list, continue to the next section.

Verify State Information Is Entered

This will only apply if the form is being filed to a state.

  1. Click the Payer List button.
  2. Double click the payer's name.
  3. Choose a recipient that has a form created.
  4. Double click on the form in the Form List.
  5. Click the Return Information tab.
  6. Verify that the state agency you are attempting to file to is entered here.
    • If it is not, enter the information.
  7. Click OK to close the form.
  8. Attempt to e-file the forms again.

E-File Center Is Unable to Process Your Returns

This error will occur if there is invalid or missing data on the return(s). This specific error can occur when one or multiple returns for a payer are sent.

Review the Error Detail

  1. Click on the Print button to obtain a report of the errors that occurred.
  2. Review each error.
    • The error detail will give the specific payer and recipient that the issue is occurring for as well as what the exact issue is.
  3. Correct each issue and try submitting again.

Common E-file Center Errors

Here are some common invalid or missing data errors that can cause an message, and how to resolve them:

  • "Payer: ######### (Payer Name) - Either the element 'Phone' is missing or out of order, or the element 'Fax' is invalid."
    • There is a missing phone number for the payer, or the Fax number is invalid.
    • Go to the Payer List and verify that this payer has a phone number entered in the Phone/Ext field, and that the Fax number (if entered) is valid.
  • "Payer: ######### (Payer Name), Recipient: 9######## - The element 'TIN' has an invalid value for the data type 'W2SSNType': '9########'"
    • The recipient has an ITIN entered in the program as their Social Security Number.
    • An ITIN is a 9 digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a range of 70-88 in the fourth and fifth digit.
    • IRS issues ITINs to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number from the Social Security Administration.
    • ITINs are not valid for W-2 reporting. An individual with an ITIN who later becomes eligible to work in the United States must obtain an SSN from the Social Security Administration in order to receive a W-2.
  • "Payer: ######### (Payer Name), Recipient: ######### (Recipient Name) - Either the element 'Addr1' is missing or out of order, or the element 'Addr2' is invalid."
    • The recipient is missing an address, or Address Line 2 is invalid.
    • Navigate to that recipient in the Recipient List, and verify that Address Line 1 is complete, and that there are no invalid characters in Address Line 2.
  • "Payer: ######### (Payer Name), Form: Form1094C - The element 'Name1' has an invalid value for the data type 'BusinessName1Type': 'ALE Member Name'"
    • There is an invalid ALE Member name in Part IV (lines 36 - 65) of the 1094-C form.
    • Please verify that there are no commas, periods, double spaces, or leading or trailing spaces in the ALE Member's name.
  • "Payer: ######### (Payer Name), Payee: ######### (Recipient Name), Form: 1095C, Covered Individual: ######### (Covered Individual) - You have not shown the months of coverage for the individual. Please indicate months of coverage and resubmit."
    • The covered individual was not indicated to have coverage for any part of the year.
    • If an individual did not have coverage at all for the year, that individual will not be listed on the form.
    • If a covered individual is listed on the 1095 form, a month of coverage will need to be indicated.

E-File Connection Cannot be Established / The Request Failed with an Empty Response

This message will occur when the Yearli program is unable to connect to Greatland's e-filing servers.

Check for Internet Access

Open any available Internet browser to verify an active Internet connection is present.

Check for Firewalls/Anti-Virus/Proxy Server Software

  1. Check for any running firewalls or anti-virus/anti-spyware software.
  2. Temporarily disable the firewall and security software, including the Windows Firewall.
  3. Run the e-file center online update by clicking Update – Update Program Online from the main Yearli menu.

Create Firewall Exceptions

Please see the How to Create a Windows Firewall Exception for Yearli article for steps on creating a Windows firewall exception.

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