Select Payer - State Quarterly and 94X Filing

Selecting Payers

Use the E-file Center - Select Payer - Form (94X) and E-file Center - Select Payers for State Quarterly window to select the payer(s) for processing. Payers with returns available for processing for the selected services are included in the list of payers.

  • Select/Unselect a payer: Check the check box next to the row in the list or double-click the row in the list to select which payer(s) to process.
    • Payers containing foreign addresses cannot be submitted.
    • When filing the California DE 9C, the associated wage plan is displayed next to each payer.
      • When a payer has more than one wage plan, they will appear multiple times in the payer list.
    • Use the Select All/Deselect All button to select/deselect all rows in the list.
  • Find by: Use the Find by field to search the selected column for the closest match.
    • The row with matching payer information will be selected.

Payers with returns available for processing for the selected service are included in the payer list. You must complete the corresponding Form (94X) or state quarterly form on the Select Payer screen and check one of the Filing Electronically checkboxes on the form before the payer will be included in the list for processing. The payer name control on the payer Information screen must also be completed.

Payer Not Showing in List

Here are some of the reasons why a payer may not be showing in the list for selection:

  • Payer does not have an EIN: If the payer has a SSN they will not be available for selection.
  • Forms have already been e-filed: If the form(s) have already been filed through the E-file Center, they will not appear in the E-file Center again. This helps to prevent duplicate filing.
  • No form was created: If the form does not exist in the program, it cannot be filed through the E-file Center.
  • Wrong quarter was selected: Verify that the quarter is correct on the completed form, as well as the correct quarter is chosen while filing.
  • Method of Filing must have one of the file electronically boxes checked:
    • On a 941 form, Part 5 of the form must have "Filing electronically as Taxpayer" or "Filing electronically as Reporting Agent" checked.
    • On the NYS-45, the "Check if you intend to file Form NYS-45/ATT via the E-file Center" checkbox must be checked.
    • On the California DE 9C, the "Check if you intend to file Form DE 9C via the E-file Center" checkbox must be checked.
    • On the California DE 9, the "Check if you intend to file Form DE 9 via the E-file Center" checkbox must be checked.
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