Importing Corrected Forms

Importing Corrected 1095 Forms

Form information will need to be exported, edited, then re-imported, following the steps below.

Exporting 1095 Form Information

This option is only available for users who e-filed 1095 forms. If the 1095 forms were filed on paper, 1095 corrections cannot be imported.

  1. Click on the Import Data button.
  2. Choose Import via Excel.
  3. Choose the 1095-B Correction or 1095-C Correction option, depending on what form type is being corrected.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Select Forms button.
  6. Choose the filing to be corrected.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Choose the recipients that will be corrected.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Choose where to save and what to name the exported file.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Open the exported Excel file and make the applicable changes.

Editing the Import File

Some guidelines to keep in mind while completing the 1095 import file:

  • Column headings in the import file cannot be changed, as they are used to map the import.
  • Red column headings are required in order to successfully import data.
    • While some columns can be safely deleted without impacting the import process, it is recommended to simply hide unused columns to prevent import errors.
  • Each row is equivalent to one form.
  • Payer information should be repeated on each row.
  • Only the first worksheet/tab in the Excel file will be imported.
    • You do not need to delete any tabs, but you may delete any but the first tab if you like.
  • For checkboxes:
    • Enter a value of True, 1, or X in the cell to check the box.
    • To leave the box blank, enter a value of 0, False, or leave the cell blank.

Importing the Completed Import File

  1. Open the Yearli program.
  2. Click on the Import Data button.
  3. Choose Import via Excel.
  4. Choose the 1095-B Correction or 1095-C Correction option, depending on what form type being imported.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click the Browse for File button.
  7. Navigate to the Excel file to be imported.
  8. Click Open.
  9. If there errors on the import file, the errors will be displayed on the Audit Report screen.
    • Go to the next section if errors are found during the import.

Fixing Errors on the Excel File

  1. On the Audit Report screen, click the Print Page button if desired.
  2. All errors on the Audit Report screen will need to be resolved before the import can be completed.
  3. Make the applicable changes in your import file in accordance with the import errors and attempt the import again.

For more steps on how to correct errors on the import file, please see the Troubleshooting Common Import Errors article.

Importing Corrected 1099 Forms

There is currently no functionality in the Yearli program to import corrected 1099 forms.

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