Export Information to a Yearli Excel Template
Forms available for export are W-2, 1099-NEC, and 1099-MISC.
- Click on the File menu.
- Choose Export.
- Choose To Yearli Excel Template.
- Choose the type of form you would like to export to the Yearli Excel template.
- Click Next.
- By default all payers will be selected.
- Uncheck the checkbox next to each of the payer(s) you do not want to export.
- To deselect all payers click on the Deselect All link on the bottom of the screen.
- Click Next.
- Click Save.
- Choose where to save your file to, and what to name it.
- Click Save.
Tips for Exporting
- Use the Find by field to search the selected column for the closest match. The selection bar is moved to the row in the table with the closest match.
- Click the Select Recipients button to select specific recipient returns for the payer in the row highlighted with the selection bar.
- The Available Returns column will show the total number of returns of the selected form type available for exporting for each payer.
- The Selected Returns column will show the total number of forms selected for exporting.
Create an Excel File for Importing
- Click the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel option.
- Click the bubble for the form type you would like, then click "OK".
- Under Step One, click the "Excel Template and Instructions" hyperlink.
- Choose where to save the sample template, and what to name the file.
- In the import template, the first row of each column will be a column header that corresponds with each field of the W-2, 1099, or 1095 form to be imported.
- For example Recipient First Name, Recipient SSN, Fed Tax Withheld, etc.
- Enter the data for each recipient (each row represents a new recipient form).
- Once data entry is complete, click on the File menu.
- Click Save.
When Creating the Excel File:
- Column headings (Row 1) in the import file are used to map the data in the Yearli program. Do not change any of the information in the first row of the import file.
- Red column headings indicate the column is required to be filled out in order to successfully import data.
- While some non-red columns can be safely deleted, it is encouraged to simply hide unused columns to prevent import errors.
- Sample Payer/Recipient data, codes, and dollar values in the template should be removed before importing.
- No periods or commas should be included in the names. Ampersands "&" are allowed.
- Each row is equivalent to one form.
- A name, TIN, and address are required for each payer and recipient record.
- Payer information should be repeated on each row.
- The import file can contain only annual/year-end data OR transaction data in one file.
- Only the first worksheet/tab in the Excel file will be imported.
- You do not need to delete any other tabs, but you may without harming the import.
- Format all fields as Text.
- If a field on an imported form is a checkbox, the value on the import file will need to have one of the following values entered:
- TRUE, 1, X: box is checked.
- FALSE, 0, left blank: box is unchecked.
For example, if importing a W-2 form and the Statutory Employee checkbox and Retirement Plan checkbox in Box 13 need to be checked for John Doe, the import file may look something like this:
Employee Social Security Number |
Employee First Name |
Employee Last Name |
Gross Wages |
Statutory Employee |
Retirement Plan |
123-45-6789 | John | Doe | 30000 | TRUE | 1 |
If the John Doe was not a Statutory Employee and did not have a Retirement Plan, the import file could look like this:
Employee Social Security Number |
Employee First Name |
Employee Last Name |
Gross Wages |
Statutory Employee |
Retirement Plan |
123-45-6789 | John | Doe | 30000 | FALSE | 0 |
Import 1099 Forms
Save and Complete the Import File
- Click on the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel.
- Click the 1099 form type, then click OK.
- Under step one, click the Template and Instructions hyperlink.
- Choose where to save the file.
- Name the file, and click Save.
Import the Completed File
- Click on the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel.
- Choose the 1099 form type.
- Click OK.
- Click the Browse for File button.
- Locate the saved import file.
- Click Open.
- If there are errors on the import file, the errors will be displayed on the Audit Report screen.
Fix Errors in the Excel File
- On the Audit Report screen, click on the Export Error File button.
- Choose where to save the file.
- Name the file.
- Click Save. The file will open automatically.
- Refer to column A: "Error Description".
- Errors found on the import file will appear in the row the error was found in.
- For example, if there is an error description in row 2, the error will be found in row 2.
- Review the file for any fields highlighted in yellow.
- Cells in yellow contain errors.
- After making the applicable changes, save the file.
- Attempt the import again, this time with the errors file saved in step 4.
Import W-2 Forms
Save and Complete the Import File
- Click on the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel.
- Click the W-2 form type.
- Click OK.
- Click Excel Template and Instructions.
- Choose where to save the file.
- Name the file.
- Click Save.
- The import file will open automatically. Make changes to the import file to enter the applicable information.
Two fields required to import W-2 forms are "Kind of Payer" and "Kind of Employer". Use the following codes when completing the import file:
Kind of Payer
Kind of Payer |
Value |
941 | R |
944 | F |
Agriculture | A |
Household | H |
Military | M |
Medicare Qualified Government Employee | Q |
Railroad | X |
Kind of Employer
Kind of Employer |
Value |
Federal Government | F |
State/Local non 501c | S |
501c non-gvt | T |
State/Local 501c | Y |
None of the above | N |
Import the Completed File
- Click on the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel.
- Choose the Import W-2 form type.
- Click OK.
- Click the Browse For File button.
- Locate the saved import file.
- Click Open.
- If there are errors on the import file, the errors will be displayed on the Audit Report screen.
Fix Errors in the Excel File
- On the Audit Report screen, click on the Export Error File button.
- Choose where to save the file.
- Name the file.
- Click Save. The file will open automatically.
- Refer to column A: "Error Description".
- Errors found on the import file will appear in the row the error was found in.
- For example, if there is an error description in row 2, the error will be found in row 2.
- Review the file for any fields highlighted in yellow.
- Cells in yellow contain errors.
- After making the applicable changes, save the file.
- Attempt the import again, this time with the errors file saved in step 4.
Import 1095 Forms
Save and Complete the Import File
- Click on the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel.
- Choose the 1095 form type.
- Click OK.
- Click Excel Template and Instructions.
- Choose where to save the file.
- Name the file.
- Click Save.
- The import file will open automatically. Make changes to the import file to enter the applicable information.
Import the Completed File
- Click on the Import Data button.
- Choose Import via Excel.
- Choose the Import 1095 form type.
- Click OK.
- Click the Browse For File button.
- Locate the saved import file.
- Click Open.
- If there are errors on the import file, the errors will be displayed on the Audit Report screen. Go to the next section if errors are found during the import process.
Fix Errors in the Excel File
- On the Audit Report screen, click on the Export Error File button.
- Choose where to save the file.
- Name the file.
- Click Save. The file will open automatically.
- Refer to column A: "Error Description".
- Errors found on the import file will appear in the row the error was found in.
- For example, if there is an error description in row 2, the error will be found in row 2.
- Review the file for any fields highlighted in yellow.
- Cells in yellow contain errors.
- After making the applicable changes, save the file.
- Attempt the import again, this time with the errors file saved in step 4.