Add a Recipient Form
- Click the Payer List button.
- Double click on the payer name.
- Highlight the recipient to add the form to.
- Click the Add Form button.
- Select the desired form from the Form Type drop down box.
1099 Forms
- On the Return Information tab, complete the state information if applicable.
- Click on the Dollar Amounts tab, or the Form button to add the dollar amount information.
- Click Save.
- Click OK to close the form.
W-2 Forms
- On the Return Information tab complete the state and local information and the employment type.
- Click on the Dollar Amounts tab, or the Form button to add the dollar amount information.
- Click on the Checkboxes tab and check any boxes that apply.
- Click on the Employment Information tab and check any boxes that apply.
- Click on the State-Specific tab and make any applicable selections.
- The data entry is only enabled after an applicable state is entered on the return information.
- The states that apply to this tab are CA, VT, IA, MA, MI, MN, and WA.
- Click Save.
- Click OK to close the form.
1095 Forms
- Enter the applicable information on the form.
- Click Save.
- Click OK to close the form.
Edit a Recipient Form
- Click the Payer List button.
- Double click on the payer name.
- Highlight the recipient whose form needs to be edited.
- Double click the form in the Form List.
- Enter the necessary information.
- Click Save.
- Click OK to close the form.
Add a Transaction to an Existing W-2 or 1099
- Click the Payer List button.
- Double click on the payer.
- Highlight the recipient.
- Click on the Add or Add Transaction link under the Transactions column for the W-2 or 1099.
- If the Add link is not present, refer to the Changing Data Entry Method article before proceeding.
- The Copy or Copy Transaction link will copy the selected transaction.
- The Add or Add Transaction link will create a new, blank transaction.
- Enter dollar amounts.
- Enter a transaction date.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
Add a Transaction to a Recipient Without a W-2 or 1099
- Click the Payer List button.
- Double click on the payer.
- Highlight the recipient.
- Click the Add Form button.
- Select W-2 or the 1099 type needed in the Form Type drop down menu.
- Enter any necessary state information.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
- Click on the Add or Add Transaction link under the Transactions column for the W-2 or 1099.
- If the Add link is not present, refer to the Changing Data Entry Method article before proceeding.
- The Copy or Copy Transaction link will copy the selected transaction.
- The Add or Add Transaction link will create a new, blank transaction.
- Enter a transaction date.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
Edit a Transaction
- Click the Payer List button.
- Double click on the payer.
- Highlight the recipient.
- Double click the row containing the transaction date needing to be edited.
- The date for the transaction will be under the Last Action Date column.
- Enter or edit the dollar amounts.
- Click Save.
- Click OK.
Add an Amount Type to a W-2
An amount type is a dollar amount field found on a tax form. An example of an amount type is the social security wages field found on a W-2 form. When adding amount types, the selected amount type will be set universally for the payer. Amount types cannot be set individually per recipient.
- Click the Payer List button.
- Double click on the payer name.
- Highlight the recipient.
- Double click on the W-2 form in the form list.
- Click on the Amnts button in the upper right corner of the W-2 return or W-2 transaction screen.
- Highlight the amount type in the list on the left you wish to add to the W-2 form.
- Click Include to add to the Currently Selected Amount Types.
- Click OK.
If adding a miscellaneous deduction amount, it can be customized to display specific text by highlighting the miscellaneous amount type under Currently Selected Amount Types and clicking on Customize Name. The miscellaneous amount type can also be set to print to box 14 of the W-2 by checking the box at the bottom of the Customize Amount Type Name screen. For more information on customizing amount types, please see the How to Customize an Amount Type article.