What to Do if Forms Are Rejected

When forms are rejected by a federal or state agency, the forms are treated as though they were never received. After determining the reason the forms were rejected, make the applicable changes to the forms and re-file the forms to the correct agency.

View the Rejection Reason

  1. Click on the E-File Center menu.
  2. Choose Status.
  3. Place a checkmark next to the order number(s).
  4. Click on Update Status.
  5. Place a checkmark next to the order number(s).
  6. Click on Order Status Detail.

Resubmit Rejected Forms

Since these are rejected forms, they will not be filed as corrections. These forms can be filed in the same manner they were originally.

  1. Click on the Payer List button.
  2. Make necessary changes to the payer and/or recipients information or forms based on the rejection.
  3. Close the Payers & Recipients screen.
  4. Click on the E-File Center button and resubmit the forms.

Common 941 Rejections

  • "The Reporting Agent PIN in the Return Header must match the data in the E-File database."
    • The notice indicates that the reporting agent PIN used to file the 941 form does not match the PIN the IRS has on file.
    • Please verify the PIN being used with the IRS before re-submitting the form(s).
  • "If 'OnlineFilerPIN' is present in the Return Header, it must match the E-File Database for the EIN it is filed for."
    • This notice indicates that the Employer PIN does not match the PIN the IRS has on record.
    • Please verify the PIN being used with the IRS before re-submitting the form(s).
  • "Taxpayer TIN in the Return Header must not be the same as the TIN of a previously accepted electronic return for the return type and quarter ending period indicated in the tax return."
    • This rejection notice indicates that rejected filing was a duplicate of a previously accepted 941 form.
    • This will only occur if the payer information on both forms is identical.
    • If a second form was submitted in an attempt to correct previously filed information that was accepted, a 941-X form will need to be filed instead of correct the error.
  • "The return type indicated in the return header must match the return type established with the IRS for the EIN."
    • This rejection notice indicates that the form the IRS received is not the form the IRS was expecting for the payer.
    • Please contact the IRS to verify the form type the payer should be filing.
  • "For US Addresses, the first five digits of 'ZipCd' of the Filer's address in the Return Header must be within the valid ranges of zip codes for the corresponding 'StateAbbreviationCd'. See Publication 4164."
    • This rejection notice indicates the ZIP code on the 941 form does not match with the state entered on the form.
    • Please verify the state information and ZIP code on the form before re-submitting.
  • "The Name Control or Check Digit (KOLD) does not match the IRS records for the EIN in the Return Header."
    • This rejection notice indicates that the name control filed on the 941 form (in this case, KOLD) does not match the IRS records for that payer.
    • Please verify the name control with the IRS before re-submitting the 941 form.

Common 1095 Rejections

"Rejection Reason - TIN Validation Failed for ALE Member's EIN. Employer EIN."

This rejection notice indicates that the payer/employer information on the 1095 forms did not match the IRS database. Common issues with the payer information include:

  • Using an abbreviation for the payer's name.
    • Example: GC of WI instead of Greatland Corporation of Wisconsin.
  • Using the employer's DBA/trade name instead of their legal name.
  • Missing words from the payer's legal name.

To verify the payer's EIN and legal name, please refer to the SS-4 form the employer has on record, or contact the IRS directly at: 1-800-829-4933.

State Rejections

State rejections vary greatly from state to state. If you received a rejection notice from a state agency, please contact the state directly to discuss the rejection.

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