Check W-2 Entries
- Click on the Payers List button.
- Double click on the payer name.
- Highlight a recipient name.
- Double click on the W-2 form in the Forms List.
- Click on the Return Information tab.
- Choose the Regular (941) option in the Employment Type drop down.
- Click OK.
- Check the transaction dates entered to ensure that the date entered is for the appropriate quarter.
- If not, edit the form(s) and change accordingly.
- Click OK to save any changes.
- Repeat steps 3 through 9 for each Recipient.
- Go to the Payer list and recreate the 941 form.
941 Not Updating After Making Changes to Transaction Data
Click the Fill Button
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Highlight the Payer that Form 941 is assigned to.
- Double click on the 941 form in the Form List.
- Click on the Fill button on the right of Form 941 input screen.
- The following prompt will display:
- Filling or Undoing this form will permanently overwrite any manual entries you have made on the form itself. Is it OK to lose your manual entries?
- Click Yes.
- The form will update with the new transaction data.
Delete and Recreate the 941 Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Highlight the Payer that Form 941 is assigned to.
- Highlight Form 941 in the Form List to be deleted.
- Click on the Delete button to the right.
- The following prompt will display, "Are you sure you want to delete this form?" Click Yes to confirm.
- The following prompt will display, "Are you sure you want to delete Form 941/Sch B/Sch D QX from the main files?" (where X is the quarter being reported).
- Click OK to confirm deletion of the form.
- With the Payer still highlighted, select Add Form and choose Federal from the Federal/State/Local drop down menu.
- Select Form 941/Sch B/Sch D from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Select the quarter and recreate Form 941.