Creating a 940 Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the Payer.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 940/Schedule A option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Mark the appropriate boxes in the Preliminary Questions.
- Certain parts of the form will be enabled/disabled depending on which boxes are checked here.*
- Click OK.
- Enter the applicable information.
*The following parts of the 940 form are dependent on the Preliminary Questions:
- Schedule A (checkboxes enabled by Preliminary Question 1).
- Schedule A (credit reduction fields enabled by Preliminary Question 2).
- Line 9 (enabled by Preliminary Question 3).
- Line 10 and the worksheet for Line 10 (enabled by Preliminary Question 4).
Creating a 941 Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the Payer.
- Click on Add Form.
- Select 941/Sch B/Sch D from the Form Name drop down list.
- Select the Quarter.
- Click OK.
- Answer the questions as required.
- Click OK.
- Verify the data on the 941 and/or enter data as necessary.
- Complete Part 5 if filing the 941 electronically.
- If you are filing electronically, there is a balance due of $2,500 or less, and you wish to submit payment information electronically, check the box to Submit payment using the E-file Center.
- Enter the Routing Transit Number, Bank Account Number, Type of Account, and Telephone Number.
- Click on the Schd B button if the Schedule B is needed.
- Click Save.
- Click on the Print button on the Payer List screen to print the 941 form for mailing.
- Click on the E-file Center menu and choose Send Returns to electronically file the form.
Setting Up the 941 Depositor Information
To prepare a Schedule B in the program, the payer must be set up as a Semi-Weekly 941 Depositor on the Manage Payer screen. If the payer is not setup as a monthly or weekly depositor, the Schedule B button will not appear on the 941 prep screens.
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Highlight the payer the 941/Schedule B is to be added to.
- Select Semi-Weekly from the 941 Depositor section.
- Click Save.
Preparing a 941 Schedule B
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Highlight the desired payer the 941 Schedule B is to be added to.
- Click on the Add Form button above the Form List.
- Select Federal in the Federal/State/Local drop down menu.
- Select the Form Name drop down arrow and choose Form 941/Sch B/ Sch D.
- Click on the Schd B button on the right.
Schedule D for Form 941 is used for payers who need to explain certain discrepancies (caused by acquisitions, statutory mergers, and consolidations) between Forms W-2 and Forms 941 for the totals of social security wages, Medicare wages and tips, social security tips, federal income tax withheld, and advance earned income credit (EIC) payments.
Creating a Schedule D
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the Payer.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 941/Sch B/Sch D option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Check the appropriate quarter.
- Click OK.
- Check the appropriate boxes on the preliminary window.
- Click OK.
- Click the Schd D button to complete the Schedule D form.
Creating a 941-X Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the Payer.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 941-X option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Select the type of return you are correcting and the appropriate quarter.
- Enter the applicable information.
Lines 8, 9, 10 & 11: Yearli automatically calculates the full amount of social security and Medicare taxes (combined employer and employee share) and calculates Additional Medicare Tax using the standard rate. If you need to correct only the employer share of social security and Medicare taxes, or to make other adjustments to the tax in Column 4, check the Override checkbox and enter the adjusted amount in Column 4.
Creating a 943 Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Select the applicable depositor type from the 943 Depositor drop down menu.
- Click Save.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 943 option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Enter the applicable information.
- Lines 2, 4, and 8 on the 943 form are calculated by Yearli based on the W-2 transactions entered for recipients in the Recipient List. The fields are calculated as follows:
- Line 2, Total Wages: SS Tax is calculated using W-2 transactions with the amount type SS Wages. All Recipients must be of Agriculture 943 employment type.
- Line 4, Total Wages: Medicare tax is calculated using W-2 transactions with the amount type Medicare Wages. All Recipients must be of Agriculture 943 employment type.
- Line 8, Federal Income Tax Withheld: Federal income tax withheld is calculated using W-2 transactions with the amount type Fed Inc Tax Withheld. All Recipients must be of Agriculture 943 employment type.
- Lines 2, 4, and 8 on the 943 form are calculated by Yearli based on the W-2 transactions entered for recipients in the Recipient List. The fields are calculated as follows:
Form 943-V Payment Voucher
The 943-V Payment voucher appears when Line 15 - Balance Due is greater than $0.00. Enter the amount of your payment in Line 2. The 943-V will automatically print when the 943 is printed.
Creating a 943-A Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Select the applicable 943 depositor type from the 943 Depositor drop down menu.
- The payer must have a Monthly or Semi-Weekly depositor type to access the 943-A form.
- Click Save.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 943-A option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Select the appropriate quarter.
- Click OK.
- Enter the applicable information.
- When completing the 943-A form, please take the following into consideration:
- Although Payer Address Line 1, City, State, and ZIP display on the Prep Screen, they do not print on the form.
- The Daily Entries on the Month tab are calculated by adding the Federal Income Tax Withheld + (Social Security Withheld * 2) + Medicare Withheld + ((Medicare Wages + Medicare Tips) * 0.0145).
- Filled based on the day of the month the transaction took place.
- When completing the 943-A form, please take the following into consideration:
Creating a 943-X Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Select the applicable 943 depositor type from the 943 Depositor drop down menu.
- Click Save.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 943-X option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Enter the applicable information.
- Lines 6, 7, and 8 are calculated by Yearli based on the W-2 transactions entered for recipients in the Recipient List.
- Yearli automatically calculates the full amount of social security and Medicare taxes (combined employer and employee share) and calculates Additional Medicare Tax using the standard rate.
- If you need to correct only the employer share of social security and Medicare taxes, or to make other adjustments to the tax in Column 4, check the Override checkbox and enter the adjusted amount in Column 4.
If you need more space for line 20, attach additional sheets with your name, EIN, quarter, and calendar year on the top of each sheet.
Creating a 944 Form
Use Form 944 to report income tax you withheld from wages, including tips, supplemental unemployment compensation benefits, and third-party payments of sick pay, as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes. Form 944 replaces the need to file quarterly Form 941 for certain small employers that have been notified by the IRS.
Form 944 should be filed with the IRS by January 31st of the year that follows the calendar year for which the form is prepared, i.e. January 31, 2024 for calendar year 2023.
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select a Payer.
- Click on the Add Form button.
- Select the 944 option from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Enter the applicable information.
- The program automatically calculates some fields by using data you have entered elsewhere in the program.
- If any pre-calculated field is incorrect, you may override it by using the Unlock button at the right side of the window.
- See the Federal/State Forms Prep Windows for more instructions.
- The pre-calculated fields are as follows:
- Line 2: Federal Income Taxes Withheld is calculated using W-2 transactions with the amount type Fed Inc Tax Withheld. All Recipients must be of 944 employment type.
- Line 4a & 4b: Total Wages - SS Taxes is calculated using W-2 transactions with the amount type SS Wages. All Recipients must be of 944 employment type.
- Line 4c: Total Wages - Medicare taxes is calculated using W-2 transactions with the amount type Medicare Wages. All Recipients must be of 944 employment type.
Creating a 944-X Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Click on Add Form.
- Select Form 944-X from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Enter the applicable information.
- Click Save.
The program automatically calculates some fields by using data you have entered elsewhere in the program. If any pre-calculated field is incorrect, you may override it by using the Unlock button at the right side of the window. See the Federal/State Forms Prep Windows for more instructions.
The pre-calculated fields are as follows:
- Lines 8, 9, 10 & 11: Yearli automatically calculates the full amount of social security and Medicare taxes (combined employer and employee share) and calculates Additional Medicare Tax using the standard rate. If you need to correct only the employer share of social security and Medicare taxes, or to make other adjustments to the tax in Column 4, check the Override checkbox and enter the adjusted amount in Column 4.
- Line 22: Explain all corrections in detail. If you need more space, attach additional sheets with your name, EIN, quarter, and calendar year on the top of each sheet.
Creating a 945 Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Select the 945 Depositor type.
- The Payer must be setup as a Monthly or Semi-Weekly depositor to access the 945 Prep Screen.
- Semi Weekly and Monthly Schedule Depositor Checkboxes are automatically determined based on the Depositor Type Selected on the Manage Payer Window.
- Click on Add Form.
- Select Form 945 from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Fill in the necessary fields on the form.
- Click Save.
Creating a 945-A Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Select the 945 Depositor type.
- The Payer must be setup as a Monthly or Semi-Weekly depositor to access the 945-A Prep Screen.
- Semi Weekly and Monthly Schedule Depositor Checkboxes are automatically determined based on the Depositor Type Selected on the Manage Payer Window.
- Click on Add Form.
- Select Form 945-A from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Fill in the necessary fields on the form.
- Click Save.
Creating a 945-X Form
- Click on the Payer List button.
- Select the payer.
- Click on Add Form.
- Select 945-X from the Form Name drop down menu.
- Fill in the necessary fields on the form.
- Click Save.