How to Transfer Yearli Data from One Computer to Another (2017 and Older)

Transfer Yearli Data Files

  1. Close Yearli.
  2. Navigate to the Yearli Installation directory for the desired year.*
  3. Open the Utilities folder.
  4. In the Utilities folder, right click the Yearli Desktop Backup App and choose Run as Administrator.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Choose the year of the software you would like to backup.
  7. Click Browse to choose where the backup will be saved.
  8. Click Backup.
  9. Click Finish to close the wizard.
  10. Go to selected save location.
  11. Open the Yearli Backup folder.
  12. Copy the Yearli20XX_Data and Yearli20XX_Data_LOG files for the appropriate year and transfer to the new computer.
  13. Install the Yearli program on the new computer.
  14. Access the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  15. Click on SQL Server Services to display a list of the currently running services.
  16. Right click SQL Server (WFP_SS8E or YD2015_SS8E)* and click Stop.
  17. Navigate to the Yearli installation directory on the new machine.*
  18. Open the Data folder.
  19. Copy the Yearli20XX_Data and Yearli20XX_Data_LOG files that were copied from the old machine over the top of the existing Yearli20XX_Data and Yearli20XX_Data_LOG files.
  20. Select Yes to replace all files when prompted.
  21. Restart the SQL instance by following steps 14 through 16, clicking Start rather than Stop.
  22. Launch the program and verify payer and recipient data is available.

*The file directory and SQL server instance will differ depending on the version of the program. Please see the Important Program Directories and File Locations article for more information.

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