How to Create 1099 Forms

Creating 1099 Forms

  1. Click on the Payer List button.
  2. Double click on the payer name.
  3. Highlight the recipient to add the form to.
  4. Click on the Add Form button.
  5. Choose 1099 from you need the Form Type drop down menu.
  6. Fill in the necessary fields on the form.
    • See the Additional Information by Form Type section below for information requirements.
  7. Click Save.

Auto-Filling the 1099 Account Number

  1. Click on the Utilities menu.
  2. Choose Autofill 1099 Account Number.
  3. Choose the for the Select Payer option or the for All Payers option.
  4. Click Autofill.
  5. Click OK.

Additional Information by Form Type

Form 1099-A Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check this box if it applies.

Date of lender's acquisition or knowledge of abandonment: The date of acquisition of the secured property or the date the property was abandoned.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Balance of principal outstanding: Include only unpaid principal on the original debt. Do not include accrued interest or foreclosure costs.

Fair market value of property: Enter the appraised value of the property or the gross foreclosure bid price.

Check here if the borrower was personally liable for repayment of the debt: Check if borrower was personally liable for repayment of the debt.

Description of property: Enter address for real property. Enter applicable type, make, and model for personal property.

Form 1099-B Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check this box if it applies.

CUSIP Number: For transactional reporting by brokers, enter the CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) number of the obligation.

Applicable check box on Form 8949:

  • Code A. This code indicates a short-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is being reported to the IRS. Use this code to report a transaction that the recipient will report on Schedule D, line 1a or on Form 8949 with Box A checked with totals being carried to Schedule D, line 1b.
  • Code B. This code indicates a short-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is not being reported to the IRS. Use this code to report a transaction that the recipient will report on Form 8949 with Box B checked with totals being carried to Schedule D, line 2.
  • Code D. This code indicates a long-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is being reported to the IRS. Use this code to report a transaction that the recipient will report on Schedule D, line 8a or on Form 8949 with Box D checked with totals being carried to Schedule D, line 8b.
  • Code E. This code indicates a long-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is not being reported to the IRS. Use this code to report a transaction that the recipient will report on Form 8949 with Box E checked with totals being carried to Schedule D, line 9.
  • Code X. Use this code to report a transaction if you cannot determine whether the recipient should check Box B or Box E on Form 8949 because the holding period is unknown.

Description of property: Enter a brief description of the property, including the corporation's name and the number of shares that were exchanged (for example, 100 shares XYZ Company).

  • For bartering transactions, describe services or property provided.
  • For regulated futures contracts and forward contracts, enter “RFC” or other appropriate description.
  • For Section 1256 option contracts, enter "Section 1256 option" or other appropriate description.
  • For a corporation that had a reportable change in control or capital structure, include the class of stock as C (common), P (preferred), or O (other).

Date acquired: Enter acquisition date of any securities sold.

Date sold or disposed: For broker transactions, enter the trade date of sale or transaction. For barter exchanges, enter the date that cash, property, a credit, or scrip is actually or constructively received.

Proceeds: Enter the gross proceeds from any disposition of securities, commodities, or forward contracts.

Cost or other basis: Enter the adjusted basis of any securities sold unless the security is not a covered security and you check box 5.

Accrued market discount: Enter the amount of accrued market discount.

Wash sale loss disallowed: Enter the amount of a wash sale loss disallowed under section 1091.

Type of gain or loss: Check if gain or loss was:

  • Short-term gain or loss.
  • Long-term gain or loss.
  • Ordinary.
    • The Ordinary checkbox is independent of the mutually-exclusive Short-term and Long-term checkboxes.
    • Up to two boxes may be checked: Short-Term and Ordinary or Long-Term and Ordinary.
    • Check Ordinary if some of a taxpayer’s gain or loss may be ordinary rather than capital.

Check if proceeds from:

  • Collectibles: Check if proceeds are from a transaction involving collectibles.
  • QOF: Check if reporting a disposition of a Qualified Opportunity Fund investment.

Federal income tax withheld: Enter amount of tax withheld.

Check if noncovered security: Check if reporting the sale of a noncovered security.

Reported to IRS: Check if amount reported was:

  • Gross Proceeds.
  • Net Proceeds.

Check if loss not allowed based on amount in box 1d: Check this box if recipient cannot take a loss on their tax return based on the amount in box 1d.

Profit or (loss) realized this year on closed contracts: Enter the profit or (loss) realized in current tax year.

Unrealized profit or (loss) on open contracts last year: Enter the unrealized profit or (loss) at the end of last tax year due to open contracts.

Unrealized profit or (loss) on open contracts this year: Enter the unrealized profit or (loss) at the end current tax year due to open contracts.

Aggregate profit or (loss) on contracts: Enter the aggregate profit or (loss) for current tax year.

Check if basis reported to IRS: Check if you are reporting basis to the IRS.

Bartering: Enter gross amounts received by a member or client of a barter exchange.

State: Enter the two-letter state abbreviation.

State identification no.: Enter the state identification number.

State tax withheld: Enter the amount of state income tax withheld.

2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Corporation's name: Enter Corporation name.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.
  • The “FATCA filing requirement” box is checked.

FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-B to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.

Form 1099-C Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check this box if it applies.

Date of identifiable event: Enter the date of identifiable event.

Amount of debt discharged: Enter the amount of the canceled debt.

Interest if included in box 2: Enter any interest included in the canceled debt amount of box 2.

Debt description: Enter a description of the origin of the debt.

Check here if the debtor was personally liable for repayment of the debt: Check this box if it applies.

Identifiable event code: Enter the appropriate code to report the nature of the identifiable event.

  • A – Bankruptcy.
  • B - Other judicial debt relief.
  • C - Statute of limitations / deficiency period expired.
  • D - Foreclosure election.
  • E - Debt relief from probate or similar proceeding.
  • F - By agreement.
  • G - Decision or policy to discontinue collection.
  • H – Other actual discharge before identifiable event.

Fair market value of property: Enter the fair market value.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Form 1099-CAP Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check this box if it applies.

Date of Sale or exchange: Enter date the stock was exchanged for cash, stock, or other property.

Aggregate Amount Received: Amount of cash and property received in the exchange for the stock held.

No. of shares exchanged: Number of shares that were exchanged in the transaction.

Classes of stock exchanged: Class or classes of stock that were exchanged.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Form 1099-DIV Necessary Fields

Return Information Tab

  • Corrected: Check if this box applies.
  • Foreign country or U.S. possession: Enter the name of the foreign country or U.S. possession to which the withheld tax applies.
  • State (1): Enter state abbreviation.
  • State identification no. (1): Enter payer's state number.
  • State (2): Enter state abbreviation.
  • State identification no. (2): Enter payer's state number.
  • FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-DIV to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.
  • 2nd TIN notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.
  • Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:
    • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
    • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Transaction Summary Tab:

  • Total Ordinary dividends: Enter dividends, including dividends from money market funds, net short-term capital gains from mutual funds, and other distributions on stock.
  • Qualified Dividends: Enter the portion of the amount in box 1a that may be eligible for the 15% or 5% capital gain rates.
  • Total capital gain distr.: Enter total capital gain distributions (long-term).
  • Unrecap. Sec 1250 gain: Enter any amount included in box 2a that is unrecaptured section 1250 gain from certain depreciable real property.
  • Section 1202 gain: Enter any amount included in box 2a that is section 1202 gain from certain qualified small business stock.
  • Collectibles (28%) gain: Enter 28% rate gain from sales and exchanges of collectibles.
  • Nondividend distributions: Enter non-dividend distributions, if determinable.
  • Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding.
  • Section 199A Dividends: Enter the section 199A dividends paid to the recipient. This amount is included in the amount reported in box 1a.
  • Investment expenses: Enter expenses of a non-publicly-offered regulated investment company, generally a non-publicly-offered mutual fund.
  • Foreign tax paid: Enter any foreign tax withheld and paid on dividends and other distributions on stock.
  • Cash liquidation distributions: Enter cash liquidation distributions.
  • Noncash liquidation distributions: Enter non-cash liquidation distributions.
  • Exempt-interest dividends: Enter exempt-interest dividends from a mutual fund or other regulated investment company (RIC).
  • Specified private activity bond interest dividends: Enter exempt-interest dividends paid by a RIC on specified private activity bonds to the extent that the dividends are attributable to interest on the bonds received by the RIC minus an allocable share of the expenses. Generally, "specified private activity bond" means any private activity bond defined in section 141 and issued after August 7, 1986.
  • State tax withheld (1): Enter state income tax withheld.
  • State tax withheld (2): Enter state income tax withheld.

Form 1099-G Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check this box if it applies.

Unemployment compensation: Enter payments of $10 or more in unemployment compensation.

State or local income tax refunds: Enter refunds, credits, or offsets of state or local income tax of $10 or more you made to recipients.

Box 2 amount is for tax year: Enter complete date.

Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding or any voluntary Federal withholding on unemployment compensation, Commodity Credit Corporation loans, and certain crop disaster payments.

RTAA payments: Enter RTAA payments of $600 or more that you paid to eligible individuals under the Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance program.

Taxable grants: Enter any amount of taxable grant administered by a Federal, state, or local program to provide subsidized energy financing or grants for projects designed to conserve or produce energy, but only with respect to energy property or a dwelling unit located in the U.S.

Agriculture payments: Enter USDA agriculture subsidy payments made during the year.

Check if box 2 is Business/Trade income: Check this box if it applies.

Market gain: Enter market gain on CCC loans whether repaid using cash or CCC certificates.

State (1): Enter the two-letter state abbreviation of the state for which state income taxes are being withheld.

State identification no. (1): Enter the identification number of the state department, division, or office identified in box 10a.

State income tax withheld (1): Enter the amount of state income tax withheld from the payment reported in box 1.

State (2): Enter the two-letter state abbreviation of the state for which state income taxes are being withheld.

State identification no. (2): Enter the identification number of the state department, division, or office identified in box 10a.

State income tax withheld (2): Enter the amount of state income tax withheld from the payment reported in box 1.

2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Form 1099-INT Necessary Fields

Return Information Tab:

  • Corrected: Check if this box applies.
  • Foreign country or U.S. possession: Enter the name of the foreign country or U.S. possession to which the withheld tax applies.
  • Tax-exempt bond CUSIP no.: Enter the CUSIP number of the tax-exempt bond for which tax-exempt interest is reported in box 8 or tax credit bond for which a tax credit or taxable interest is reported in box 1. If the tax-exempt interest or the tax credit is reported in the aggregate for multiple bonds or accounts, enter “various."
  • State (1): Enter state abbreviation.
  • State identification no. (1): Enter payer's state number.
  • State (2): Enter state abbreviation.
  • State identification no. (2): Enter payer's state number.
  • Payer's RTN: Enter routing transit number for participation in program for Direct Deposit of refunds.
  • Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:
    • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
    • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.
  • FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-INT to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.
  • 2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Transaction Summary Tab:

  • Interest Income: Enter interest not included in box 3.
  • Early withdrawal penalty: Enter interest or principal forfeited because of an early withdrawal.
  • Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds or Treas. Obligations: Enter interest on U.S. Savings Bonds, Treasury bills, Treasury notes, and Treasury bonds.
  • Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding.
  • Investment Expenses: Enter any expenses related to investment.
  • Foreign Tax Paid: Enter any foreign tax withheld and paid on interest.
  • Tax-Exempt Interest: Enter interest of $10 or more that is credited or paid to the person's account if that interest is used to finance government operations and is issued by a state, the District of Columbia, a U.S. possession, an Indian tribal government, or a political subdivision.
  • Specified Private Activity Bond Interest: Enter interest of $10 or more of interest from specified private activity bonds.
  • Market discount: For a covered security acquired with market discount, if the taxpayer notified you that a section 1278(b) election was made, enter the amount of market discount that accrued on the debt instrument during the tax year in the amount of $10 or more.
  • Bond Premium: For a taxable covered security acquired at a premium, enter the amount of bond premium amortization for the tax year, unless you were notified in writing that the holder did not want to amortize bond premium under section 171.
  • Bond premium on Treasury obligations: For a U.S. Treasury obligation that is a covered security, enter the amount of bond premium amortization allocable to the interest paid during the tax year, unless you were notified in writing that the holder did not want to amortize bond premium under section 171. If you are required to report bond premium amortization and you reported a net amount of interest in box 3, leave this box blank.
  • Bond premium on tax-exempt bond: For a tax-exempt covered security acquired at a premium, enter the amount of bond premium amortization allocable to the interest paid during the tax year. If you reported a net amount of interest in box 8 or 9, whichever is applicable, leave this box blank.
  • State tax withheld (1): Enter state income tax withheld.
  • State tax withheld (2): Enter state income tax withheld.

Form 1099-LTC Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check this box if it applies.

Gross LTC benefits paid: Enter the gross long-term care benefits paid this year (other than accelerated death benefits).

Accel. Death benefits paid: Enter the gross accelerated death benefits paid under a life insurance contract this year to or on behalf of an insured that has been certified as terminally or chronically ill.

Per Diem: Check box to indicate if the payments were made on a per diem basis.

Reimbursed Amt.: Check box to indicate if the payments were made on a reimbursed amount.

Insured's taxpayer identification no.: The insured's social security number or employer identification number. Must be nine digits. This field is required.

Insured's name: Enter name of the insured. This field is required.

Street address: Enter street address of the insured. This field is required.

City: Enter city. This field is required.

State: Enter state. This field is required.

Zip code: Enter zip code. This field is required.

Qualified Contract: Check if benefits were from a qualified long-term care insurance contract.

Chronically Ill: Check if chronically ill.

Terminally Ill: Check if terminally ill.

Date certified: Enter certification date.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Form 1099-MISC Necessary Fields

Return Information Tab:

  • Corrected: Check if this box applies.
  • Direct Sales: Check if this box applies.
  • State 1/Payer’s state no.: Enter state abbreviation. Enter payer's state number.
  • State 2/Payer’s state no.: Enter state abbreviation. Enter payer's state number.
  • Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:
    • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
    • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.
    • The “FATCA filing requirement” box is checked.
  • FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-MISC to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.
  • 2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Transaction Summary Tab:

  • Rent: Enter amounts of $600 or more paid to recipients for all types of rents.
  • Royalties: Enter gross royalty payments of $10 or more before reduction for severance and other taxes that may have been withheld and paid.
  • Other income: Enter other income of $600 or more required to be reported on Form 1099-MISC that is not reportable in one of the other boxes on the form.
  • Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding.
  • Fishing boat proceeds: Enter the share of all proceeds from the sale of a catch.
  • Medical and health care payments: Enter payments of $600 or more made in the course of trade to each physician or other supplier or providers of medical or health care services.
  • Payer Made Direct Sales of $5,000 or more: Enter an "X" in the checkbox for sales by you of $5,000 or more of consumer products to a person on a buy-sell, deposit-commission, or other commission basis for resale anywhere other than in a permanent retail establishment.
  • Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest: Enter aggregate payments of at least $10 received by a broker for a customer in lieu of dividends or tax-exempt interest as a result of a loan of a customer's securities.
  • Crop insurance proceeds: Enter crop insurance proceeds of $600 or more paid to farmers by insurance companies.
  • Excess golden parachute payments: Enter any excess golden parachute payments.
  • Gross proceeds paid to an attorney: Report gross proceeds paid to an attorney in connection with legal services.
  • Section 409A Deferrals: If the total is $600 or more, enter the amount of the total deferrals during the year for the non-employee from all non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plans subject to the provisions of section 409A. The deferrals during the year include earnings on the current year and prior year deferrals.
  • Section 409A Income: Enter the amount of current year and prior year deferrals that are includible in income under section 409A because the NQDC plan fails to satisfy the requirements of section 409A. Include the earnings on the deferrals.
  • State tax withheld (1): Enter state income tax withheld.
  • State tax withheld (2): Enter state income tax withheld.
  • State income (1): Enter state income.
  • State income (2): Enter state income.

Form 1099-NEC Necessary Fields

Return Information Tab:

  • Corrected: Check if this box applies.
  • State 1/Payer’s state no.: Enter state abbreviation. Enter payer's state number.
  • State 2/Payer’s state no.: Enter state abbreviation. Enter payer's state number.
  • Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:
    • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
    • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.
    • The “FATCA filing requirement” box is checked.
  • FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-NEC to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.
  • 2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Transaction Summary/Dollar Amounts Tab:

  • Nonemployee compensation: Enter nonemployee compensation of $600 or more.
  • Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding.
  • State tax withheld (1): Enter state income tax withheld.
  • State tax withheld (2): Enter state income tax withheld.
  • State income (1): Enter state income.
  • State income (2): Enter state income.

Form 1099-OID Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check if this box applies.

Original issue discount: Report the OID on the obligation for the part of the year it was owned by the record holder.

Other periodic interest: Enter any stated interest paid or credited on this obligation during the year.

Early withdrawal penalty: Enter interest or principal forfeited because of an early withdrawal.

Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding.

Market discount: For a covered security acquired with market discount, if the taxpayer notified you that a section 1278(b) election was made, enter the amount of market discount that accrued on the debt instrument during the tax year in the amount of $10 or more.

Acquisition premium: For a taxable covered security acquired with acquisition premium, enter the amount of premium amortization for the part of the year the debt instrument was owned by the holder.

Description: Enter description.

Original issue discount on U.S. Treasury obligations: Enter amount of original issue discount of U.S. Treasury obligations.

Investment expenses: Enter any expenses related to investment.

Bond premium: For a taxable covered security acquired at a premium, enter the amount of bond premium amortization allocable to the interest paid during the tax year, unless you were notified in writing that the holder did not want to amortize bond premium under section 171. If you are required to report bond premium amortization and you reported a net amount of interest in box 2, leave this box blank.

Tax-exempt OID: For a tax-exempt obligation that is a covered security acquired on or after January 1 of the current tax year, enter the OID for the part of the year it was owned by the record holder. You may, but are not required to, report the OID for a tax-exempt obligation that is a covered security acquired before January 1 of the current tax year.

State (1): Enter state abbreviation.

State identification no. (1): Enter payer's state number.

State tax withheld (1): Enter state income tax withheld.

State (2): Enter state abbreviation.

State identification no. (2): Enter payer's state number.

State tax withheld (2): Enter state income tax withheld.

FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-OID to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.

2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.
  • The “FATCA filing requirement” box is checked.

Form 1099-PATR Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check if this box applies.

Patronage dividends: Enter the total patronage dividends.

Non-patronage distributions: Enter the total non-patronage distributions paid.

Per-unit retain allocations: Enter the total per-unit retain allocations paid.

Federal income tax withheld: Enter backup withholding.

Redemption of non-qualified notices and retail allocations: Enter all redemptions of non-qualified written notices.

Domestic production activities deduction: Report the portion of the cooperative's QPAI that is deductible.

Qualified payments: For specified agricultural and horticultural cooperatives only, enter the qualified payments paid to the patron.

Investment credit: Enter amount of investment credit.

Work opportunity credit: Enter amount of work opportunity credit.

Patron's AMT adjustment: Enter full adjustment amount.

Other credits and deductions: Report the patron's share of unused credits.

Description of Box 11 credit or deduction: Enter description of credit or deduction.

2nd TIN Notice: Check this box if notified by the IRS twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect TIN.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Form 1099-R Necessary Fields

For help with distribution codes, please see 1099-R Distribution Codes

Corrected: Check if this box applies.

Print 0 in 2A if 0: Check this box if it applies.

Taxable amount not determined: Check box if taxable amount cannot be determined.

Total distribution: Check box if the payment shown in box 1 is a total distribution.

1st year of desig. Roth contrib.: Enter the first year of the designated Roth account contribution.

Distribution Code: Enter appropriate distribution code.

Other %: Enter other percentage.

% of total distrib.: Enter percentage of total distribution.

State 1/Payer’s no.: Enter State abbreviation. Enter Payer's No. for the first state.

State 2/Payer’s no.: Enter State abbreviation. Enter Payer's No. for the second state.

Name of locality (1): Enter name of locality.

Name of locality (2): Enter name of locality.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.
  • The “FATCA filing requirement” box is checked.

FATCA filing requirement: Check this box if the payer is filing Form 1099-R to satisfy a chapter 4 account reporting requirement.

Date of Payment: Enter the date payment was made for reportable death benefits.

Gross distribution: Enter the gross distribution amount.

Taxable amount: Enter the taxable amount.

Capital gains: Enter all Capital Gains.

Federal Inc. tax withheld: Enter Federal Income tax withheld.

Employee Contributions/ Designated Roth Contributions or Insurance Premiums: Enter employee contributions.

Net unrealized appreciation: Enter Net unrealized appreciation.

Other: Enter any miscellaneous amounts.

Total employee contribution: Enter total employee contribution.

Amount allocable to IRR within 5 years: Enter the amount of the distribution allocable to an IRR within 5 years.

State tax withheld (1): Enter State tax withheld.

State distribution (1): Enter State distribution.

Local tax withheld (1): Enter Local tax withheld.

Local distribution (1): Enter Local distribution.

State tax withheld (2): Enter State tax withheld.

State distribution (2): Enter State distribution.

Local tax withheld (2): Enter local tax withheld.

Local distribution (2): Enter local distribution.

Form 1099-S Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check if this box applies.

Date of closing: Enter the closing date.

Gross Proceeds: Enter the gross proceeds from the sale or exchange of real estate.

Address or legal description: Enter the address of the property, including the city, state, and Zip code. If the address does not sufficiently identify the property, also enter a legal description, such as section, lot, and block.

Check here if the transferor received or will receive property or services as part of the consideration: Check box for transferor.

Check here if the transferor is a foreign person: Check box for foreign transferor.

Buyer's part of real estate tax: Enter buyer's part of real estate tax.

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional except for the following cases:

  • The recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.
  • The returns are filed using the E-file Center.

Form 1099-SA Necessary Fields

Corrected: Check if this box applies.

Gross distribution: Enter the total amount of the distribution.

Earning on excess contributions: Enter the total amount of earnings distributed with any excess contributions returned by the due date of the account holder's tax return.

Distribution code: Select the appropriate distribution code.

FMV on date of death: Enter fair market value amount at date of death.

HAS: Check if applies. (Health Savings Account)

Archer MSA: Check if applies. (Archer Medical Savings Account)

MA MSA: Check if applies. (Medicare Advantage Medical Savings Account)

Account Number: A number assigned to recipient by the payer. This field is optional unless the recipient has multiple returns of the same return type.

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